Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA as it’s commonly known, has an often complicated history. Because of this, it’s not uncommon to see news stories about DACA and there is a lot of information floating around the internet about DACA, which can make getting accurate information difficult. Currently, in light of the ruling from the federal courts, the government has been ordered to open up the process for new applications for DACA once again. Today, let’s try to distill some of that information down to the basics. Before we do that, however, a warning, it is impossible to definitively state eligibility in a vacuum. If you think that you might qualify for DACA, your best route is to talk to a licensed attorney who regularly practices immigration law to have them look at your specific immigration history and to advise you about the steps for you to take.
La Acción Diferida para los que Arrivaron en la Infancia, o DACA como se le conoce comúnmente, tiene una historia complicada. Debido a esto, no es raro ver noticias del DACA y hay mucha información flotando en Internet sobre DACA, lo que puede dificultar el obtener información precisa. Actualmente, a la luz del fallo de los tribunales federales se ordenó al gobierno abrir nuevamente el proceso para nuevas solicitudes de DACA. Hoy, intentemos resumir parte de esa información básica. Sin embargo, antes hacemos la advertencia de que es imposible afirmar definitivamente la elegibilidad. Si cree que usted puede calificar para DACA, su mejor opcion es hablar con un abogado con licencia que practique regularmente la ley de inmigración para que revise su historial de inmigración específico y le aconseje sobre los pasos que debe seguir.
First, what is DACA?
DACA is not a permanent path to citizenship. Only Congress has to power to reform
immigration law and to create new paths to citizenship. But, the President, or the Executive branch,
can choose how to enforce the laws passed by Congress. That is why DACA is a form of deferred
action, because our government is saying “we are not going to take action to
remove this class of people from the United States at this time.” So, DACA is not a permanent solution, but it
is a stop-gap that has and can continue to help many people who might not
otherwise have a way to remain in the United States. However, it is important to remember, this
executive action, because it is not permanent law passed by Congress and signed
into law by the President, can be revoked, which is why it is important to act
without delay if you think you may qualify for DACA.
Second, what are the minimum qualifications to apply for
DACA? There are seven requirements for
- You must have been under 31 years old as of June 15, 2012
- You must have come to the United States before your 16th birthday
- You must have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007
- You must have been physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012 and must still be physically present in the United States when you file for DACA
- You must not have lawful status in the United States, both now and on June 15, 2012
- You must currently be in school, have a high school diploma or certificate of completion, have a GED, or be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or United States Military
- You must not have been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.
segundo lugar, ¿cuáles son los requisitos mínimos para solicitar DACA? Hay
siete requisitos para DACA:
- Tener menos de 31 años al 15 de junio de 2012.
- Haber entrado a los Estados Unidos antes de cumplir 16 años.
- Haber residido continuamente en los Estados Unidos desde el 15 de junio de 2007.
- Haber estado físicamente presente en los Estados Unidos el 15 de junio de 2012 y aún debe estar físicamente presente en los Estados Unidos cuando solicite DACA.
- No debe tener un estatus legal en los Estados Unidos, tanto ahora como el 15 de junio de 2012.
- Estar actualmente en la escuela, tener un diploma de escuela secundaria o un certificado de finalización, tener un GED o ser un veterano dado de baja honorablemente de la Guardia Costera o del Ejército de los Estados Unidos.
- No debe haber sido condenado por un delito mayor, un delito menor significativo, tres o más delitos menores, o representar una amenaza para la seguridad nacional o la seguridad pública.
Additionally, there are age restrictions which vary
depending on whether you are currently in proceedings before an immigration
judge or not. If you are not in removal
proceedings, you must be at least 15 years old when you file your application
for DACA. If you are in removal
proceedings, you can be younger than 15 years old when you file a request for
Third, why seek DACA?
Seeking DACA may seem to be a risk.
After all, by submitting the required forms and documents you are giving
immigration officials your contact information.
The benefit to DACA, and the intention behind the creation of DACA in
2012, is to bring people out of the shadows.
While you are under DACA protection, you will not be removed from the
United States. Furthermore, you will be
granted work authorization, which opens the pathway to legally work in the
United States, attend college, seek a driver’s license, and other
benefits. A warning, however, this does
not mean that your DACA status is irrevocable.
If you end up with criminal convictions which disqualify you, for
example, your status may be revoked.
Additionally, traveling outside the United States without receiving
advance parole from immigration officials can cause you to lose your DACA
En tercer lugar, ¿por qué buscar DACA? Buscar DACA puede parecer un riesgo. Después de todo, al enviar los formularios y documentos requeridos se le está dando a los funcionarios de inmigración su información de contacto. El beneficio y la intención detrás de la creación de DACA en 2012, es sacar a las personas de las sombras. Mientras esté bajo la protección de DACA no será expulsado de los Estados Unidos. Además, se le otorgará una autorización de trabajo que le abre el camino para trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos, asistir a la universidad, solicitar una licencia de conducir y otros beneficios. Sin embargo, esto no significa que su estado DACA sea irrevocable. Si por ejemplo termina con condenas penales que lo descalifican, su estado puede ser revocado. Además, viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos sin recibir un permiso anticipado de los funcionarios de inmigración puede hacer que pierda su estado DACA.
So how do you file for DACA protection? You prove your eligibility for DACA by
submitting documents to show how you meet these requirements along with your
DACA application, proof of your identity, and filing fee. Putting together the evidence for DACA
eligibility is where it is important to seek the assistance of a qualified
attorney. While a person does not have
to be represented by an attorney to apply for DACA, an attorney can help you
ensure that the documents are there to show how you meet every requirement
and are assembled in a way that the immigration officer reviewing your request
can clearly see your eligibility, and can advise you on issues such as criminal
convictions which may make seeking DACA more difficult.
Entonces, ¿cómo se solicita la protección de DACA? Usted demuestra su elegibilidad para DACA mediante el envio de la solicitud, junto con documentos para mostrar que cumple con los requisitos, prueba de su identidad y tarifa de presentación. Para reunir la evidencia para la elegibilidad de DACA es donde es importante buscar la ayuda de un abogado calificado. Si bien una persona no tiene que estar representada legalmente para solicitar DACA, un abogado puede ayudarlo a asegurarse de que tiene todos los documentos para mostrar que cumple con los requisitos, de manera que el oficial de inmigración que revisa su solicitud pueda ver claramente su elegibilidad. El abogado tambien lo asesora sobre asuntos tales como condenas penales, que pueden dificultar la búsqueda de DACA.
What about the cost? There
are two costs associated with seeking DACA, what you pay the government to
process your request and what you pay an attorney to advise and assist you in
seeking DACA. It is important to
remember that filing fees, the amount paid to immigration services to process
your application can change, so always check the current fees either on the
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website or with your
attorney when filing a request for DACA to ensure that you are paying the
correct filing fee. Currently, the filing
fees are set at:
- DACA application form: $495
- Work Authorization request form: $410
- Biometrics fee: $85
el costo? Hay dos costos asociados con la búsqueda de DACA, lo que le paga al
gobierno para procesar su solicitud y lo que le paga a un abogado para que lo
asesore y lo ayude a buscar DACA. Es importante recordar que las tarifas de
presentación o cantidad pagada a los servicios de inmigración para procesar su
solicitud pueden cambiar, por lo tanto, siempre verifique las tarifas vigentes
en el sitio web de los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados
Unidos o con su abogado al presentar una solicitud de DACA, para garantizar que
está pagando la tarifa de presentación correcta. Actualmente, las tarifas de
presentación se establecen en:
- Formulario de solicitud de DACA: $ 495
- Formulario de solicitud de autorización de trabajo: $ 410
- Tarifa de huellas digitales: $ 85
The Law Offices of Russell S. Mainord are committed to
providing quality legal services through our offices in Chattanooga, Grundy
County, and Morristown, Tennessee. We
are one of the leading firms in Tennessee in the field of immigration while
also offering services in criminal and family law matters and the drafting of
wills, deeds, and powers of attorney through our general practice division of
the firm. We offer free initial, or
first, consultations to new clients to determine your legal needs. Currently, for persons seeking initial DACA
applications, we are offering the following special through the end of
2020. If you mention this ad, the legal
fee, the amount our firm charges for our legal services, and you pay the
balance in full upon signing the contract for legal representation with our
firm, the legal fee is $750. Our regular
legal fee, for those who either do not mention this ad or who pay the legal fee
across multiple payments, is $1,000.
To contact the Law Offices of Russell S. Mainord to schedule
an appointment to discuss your legal needs, call the following numbers:
- Chattanooga: 423-521-8472 (English and Spanish speakers available)
- Grundy County 931-692-8472 (English speakers available)
- Morristown: 423-839-1555 (English and Spanish speakers available)
- Chattanooga: 423-521-8472 (se habla Ingles y Espanol)
- Condado de Grundy 931-692-8472 (se habla Inglés)
- Morristown: 423-839-1555 (se habla Ingles y Espanol)
You may also email us at We offer both in person and telephonic
appointments to provide flexibility and to protect the health and safety of all
persons who have contact with our firm in light of current times. We look forward to speaking with you about
your legal matters, whether to seek DACA or to discuss whether other options
may be available to you.
puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a Ofrecemos citas
tanto en persona como telefónicas para brindar flexibilidad y proteger la salud
y seguridad de todas las personas que tienen contacto con nuestra firma debido
a los tiempos actuales. Esperamos poder hablar con usted sobre sus asuntos
legales, ya sea para buscar DACA o para discutir si otras opciones pueden
estar disponibles para usted.
Please click on the following link for a video The Law Offices of Russell S. Mainord attorney, Oscar Ruiz, filmed for Punto Latino about DACA:
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver un video El abogado de Law Oficinas Legales de Russell S. Mainord, Oscar Ruiz, filmado para Latino Sobre DACA:
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