
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Information on 3 Year Work Permit Recall

We have received questions about the recall of some 3 year work permits issued for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ("DACA") recipients.  Upon reviewing the information provided by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services ("USCIS"), here is what questions we can answer for you.

1. Do all 3 year work permits have to be returned?
a. No.  The recall does not apply to persons whose work permits were issued and mailed before February 16, 2015.  It only applies to work permits issued or mailed following the injunction placed on the changes to the deferred action program.
2. What do I need to do if I received a work permit after February 16, 2015?
a. USCIS will be reissuing work permits with the 2 year authorization period.  Included with the new 2 year work permits will be instructions for returning the 3 year work permits.
3. What will I need to return?
a. You will need to return both the 3 year work permit and any related approval notices.
We will update information as it is released by USCIS.  If you have additional questions during this time, please do not hesitate to contact one of our offices.

Hemos recibido preguntas sobre la retirada de algunos permisos de trabajo de 3 años emitidos para la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (“DACA”).  Al revisar la información proporcionada por los Estados Unidos Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración (“USCIS”), esto es lo que podemos responder a preguntas que usted puede tener:
1. ¿Todos los permisos de trabajo 3 años tienen que ser devueltos?
a. No. El retiro no se aplica a las personas que se expidieron permisos de trabajo y fueron enviado por correo antes del 16 de febrero de 2015. Sólo se aplica a los permisos de trabajo emitidos o enviados por correo después de la orden colocada sobre los cambios en el programa de acción diferida.
2. ¿Qué tengo que hacer si he recibido un permiso de trabajo después del 16 de febrero 2015?
a. USCIS va a volver a emitir permisos de trabajo con el período de la autorización de 2 años. Incluido con los nuevos permisos de trabajo de 2 años, va a ver instrucciones para como devolver los permisos de trabajo de 3 años.
3. ¿Qué necesito devolver?
a. Usted tendrá que devolver el permiso de trabajo de 3 años y cualquier aviso de aprobación relacionada a la petición.
Vamos a actualizar la información en cuanto se publique por el USCIS. Si tiene preguntas adicionales durante este tiempo, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con una de nuestras oficinas.

Friday, January 30, 2015

New Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Filing Date

A date has now been released for filings based upon the new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) requirements.  The date for those filings to be effective will be February 18, 2015.

What does this mean from a practical standpoint?  If you think you may be eligible under the new guidelines, now is the time to contact an attorney to evaluate your case and assist you in preparing your application.

Here are the guidelines for the expanded DACA from the USCIS website:

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program
  • Individuals with no lawful immigration status who are seeking initial or renewal DACA.
  • Extends the deferred action period and employment authorization to three years from two years, and allows you to be considered for DACA if you:
    • Entered the United States before the age of 16;
    • Have lived in the United States continuously since at least January 1, 2010, rather than the prior requirement of June 15, 2007;
    • Are of any age (removes the requirement to have been born prior to June 15, 1981); and
    • Meet all the other DACA guidelines.
  • February 18, 2015 (USCIS will not accept requests for expanded DACA before that date.)

Monday, January 26, 2015

OJ Simpson Trial - 20 Years Later - Impact On Criminal Law Practices

Perhaps one of the most widely publicized trials in recent history and certainly one which has shaped criminal justice practices and teachings.  I still remember my law professors covering this case and the discussion of trial practice and how it made such an impact on this case.

Perhaps the most defining item to note from this case is that the outcome of the case ultimately comes down to which side presents the most compelling story.  It is the government's burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  Here, there was enough reasonable doubt created for an acquittal.  This case also highlights that cases don't necessarily move quickly.  The trial itself in this case took over 9 months.  Sometimes the best strategy for a case is to be patient and let things unfold.